New Face 4.15.16

She worked her way into our world, but not suddenly. Found hobbling in the street with bleeding cuts and a broken paw, she needed help. Close friends of ours brought her to safety, and began the process of healing.


A year later, though recovered from her wounds, she was still without a forever family. We only intended to watch her for the week, while her foster (pup)parents were out of town. And in those 8 days, she chose us. Actually, in all honesty, she chose us when she came in the door, ran across the room, and made the couch her home. We barely had a choice. I mean, look at that face.



Destroying her first stuffed toy in her new home. Within 10 minutes. Lesson learned.







Welcome home, Khaleesi.

Peace, Party of Seven. 8.24.15

Many weddings are exactly alike. A day is chosen for two souls to dive into a new life that is lived as one, a day surrounded by family, friends, and flowers.

This day was a little different.

Each soul came to the occasion with two or three smaller souls. That day Ashley and Aaron did not dedicate their lives as mere husband and wife–they pledged their devotion to the kiddos, too. In a ceremony that was like so many of their family gatherings, love, praise, and laughter ensued, with a few happy tears too. So, that day, a crowd became a family.

As a guest I was blessed to witness this unique union, and to welcome new members to our family.

Cheers to you, and may you always reserve your table ahead of time!

































Tuscon, AZ

There are times monotony can really wear you down. Wake up, punch the clock, do the same tasks in the same dreary office light for hours, punch out. There are times a weekend away can feel like a real vacation, simply because you are away. 


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Produce on Wheels. 11.1.14

This morning was my first time volunteering at Produce on Wheels (POW) and it was incredible! A couple hundred families got 60lbs of produce for a $10 donation. Grocery stores in the area get their produce from a large distribution center in Nogales, AZ, and sometimes loads are rejected because the goods are too close to spoiling to sell, or are too small, misshapen, etc. POW takes what is left and distributes it throughout the state, where volunteers sort any inedible produce from the fresh, and sell it for just enough to cover the cost of getting the truck out. All the yuckies are put aside and free for anyone who can use it for composting or feed for pigs and goats, etc.

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I spent the morning culling cucumbers…hundreds and hundreds of cucumbers…

Boxed Cucumbers

And I happily spent most of my afternoon giving my peppers, cucumbers, and eggplants a nice detox bath….and finding room for all my goodies in the fridge.


Peppers in the Sink

Boxed Peppers

Brown Pelican. 9.24.14

A small taste of vacation days. Only a week ago we were walking the pier, watching fishermen throw fish heads to patient pelicans while cleaning their catch. I was told many of the pelicans return each morning for breakfast, and the fishermen have names for most of them. This one was so comfortable with people, I was able to stand only a few feet away, and he seemed to be aware that I was taking his portrait. Sometimes, I think, birds are easier to photograph than humans.

Rain, Oceans, and the Opposite

“Bloom where you are planted.”

A small decorative piece hung in Mama’s kitchen wherever we lived, reminding us that with family, we can make any town home. Our environment, living space, friends. We could re-root ourselves, grow and thrive anywhere there was family.

Every time I have visited Washington in the past six years, the cool, moist air always welcomed me as soon as I stepped out of the plane, before I even saw my family. Most roads are lined with forests or farmland, or the coast of the Pacific Ocean. A five-minute drive from  my parents’ house is the restaurant with the best fish and chips in the world. Coffee shops on nearly every street, even in a little town of 5,000. Living in a city in the middle of the desert is so incredibly different–it forced me to appreciate every single moment of home.


I missed it terribly. The place my parents live in the house I spent most of my childhood, where I left my cat because he could not come with me to the dorms. Where I knew people everywhere in town. Where it rains. For months. And then some.



The Valley of the Sun did not feel like home–until I got married. Even before then, I wanted to say my vows somewhere that reminded me of my hometown, with green grass, evergreen trees–no palm trees, cactus, red dust, or slightest chance of a scorpion sighting. Yet since then, after only a few months, the complexity and durability of desert life has become more and more intriguing, instead of a nuisance that kept me away from the infinite bodies of water. I used to ache for this place, this place where I belonged. Now I wonder if I would have loved it so much had I stayed.  For so long I missed my beloved home–nearly unaware that a fondness of the desert was taking hold. Yes, there are gargantuan insects that give me chills, and spikes all over the cacti. And it is outrageously hot, landlocked, polluted, full of irresponsible drivers. Fortunately, roots can grow anywhere.


It took a life commitment to my husband to realize that I live here now. This is where I am, and for as long as we stay here, this is home.


One for the Little One


In just six weeks I will to meet my sweet lil nephew, who has already lived 3 whole months on this earth. Until our vacation across the country, where I will play with, photograph, and smother the kiddos with all my pent up auntie fervor–sending some love with hand-knitted snuggles will have to do.

Get the free pattern for this chevron baby blankie here. I altered the pattern to get this chunky look by using 2 strands of yarn and size 13 circulars, which knit up pleasantly quick. Especially with a new show or two on Netflix.