Produce on Wheels. 11.1.14

This morning was my first time volunteering at Produce on Wheels (POW) and it was incredible! A couple hundred families got 60lbs of produce for a $10 donation. Grocery stores in the area get their produce from a large distribution center in Nogales, AZ, and sometimes loads are rejected because the goods are too close to spoiling to sell, or are too small, misshapen, etc. POW takes what is left and distributes it throughout the state, where volunteers sort any inedible produce from the fresh, and sell it for just enough to cover the cost of getting the truck out. All the yuckies are put aside and free for anyone who can use it for composting or feed for pigs and goats, etc.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

I spent the morning culling cucumbers…hundreds and hundreds of cucumbers…

Boxed Cucumbers

And I happily spent most of my afternoon giving my peppers, cucumbers, and eggplants a nice detox bath….and finding room for all my goodies in the fridge.


Peppers in the Sink

Boxed Peppers

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